What children in care and their carers think about education
TACT has published a report on Education based on face to face interviews with children and young people with first-hand experience of the care system and foster carers.
While many of the children and young people that we spoke to have a positive experience of education, our study – What children in care and their carers think about education, shows that more needs to be done for most children in care to fully realise their potential in the current school system. Our report recommendations include calls for better training for teachers, guaranteed free university tuition or an apprenticeship for every care leaver, and foster family tutoring.

You can find the survey findings and recommendations here – TACT – Reaching for the Best

Launch event was held on Thursday 31st May at The Institute of Education. Speakers included Emma Lewell Buck MP (Shadow Minister for Children and Families), Andy Elvin (TACT CEO), Jasmine Ali (TACT Policy Advisor and Co-chair of the Alliance for Children in Care and Care Leavers), Linda Briheim-Crookall (Head of Policy Coram Voice and Co-chair of the Alliance for Children in Care and Care Leavers), Nikki O’Brien (TACT care leaver) and Solomon O.B. (poet, care leaver and TACT Ambassador).

Photos by Jemma Davis
Video by Mahyar Latif-al-Tojjar