TACT Yorkshire joins forces with other agencies to recruit more foster carers
TACT joins with the region’s fostering providers to find more carers for West Yorkshire’s children
TACT and other foster care providers from across West Yorkshire are joining forces next month to try to recruit more foster carers for children who are looked after by local authorities across the region.
There is a shortage of foster carers across West Yorkshire with all five local authorities and independent fostering agencies having few to no approved families to look after teenagers and/or those with more complex needs. Across the whole of Yorkshire and the Humber we need a further 720 families to come forward.
People from across West Yorkshire who are interested in finding out more about becoming foster carers are invited to come along to an information evening at the first direct arena in Leeds on Monday 8 June between 5pm and 8pm. Those attending will be able to get specialist advice from fostering teams from two West Yorkshire local authorities and 14 Independent Fostering Agencies.
The joint event has been organised as part of Foster Care Fortnight (1 to 14 June) to help people from across the region discover more about fostering and the different options available to them.
Across West Yorkshire there is a particular shortage of foster carers for teenagers, children with disabilities, sibling groups and parent and child fostering, although the event will be suitable for anybody interested in learning more about all types of fostering.
Each provider will have an expert and existing foster carer on hand to discuss what options are available by fostering through them, including what support packages they offer and what allowances and fees they pay.
Councillor Judith Blake executive member responsible for children and families at Leeds City Council said:
“It is in the best interests of the children in local authority care across our region that we work together to find the best foster carers out there. We have arranged this event, at which many of the main foster care providers in West Yorkshire will be represented, so people can have as much choice as possible and can easily see which type of providers suits their needs best.
“Fostering is extremely rewarding but can be very challenging so it is vital that people are able to find out as much as possible about the process and what it is really like to be a foster carer before they take the plunge. This event will be a great opportunity to discover all of the options open to them and make sure they are fully informed and ready for the challenge.”
The foster care providers who will be represented at the event are:
Action For Children
Bradford Council
Cambian Group
Children’s Family Trust
Classic Foster Care
Families Fostering
Foster Care Associates
Fostering Solutions
Leeds City Council
Orange Grove Foster Care
Parallel Parents
Swiss Foster Care
Team Fostering
Tree House Care
For media enquiries, please contact:
Emma Whittell, Leeds City Council press office, on (0113) 2474713
Email: [email protected]