Kindertransport Association donates to TACT | TACT

Kindertransport Association donates to TACT

TACT is delighted to have received $1,000 from the Kindertransport Association, a US-based organisation that unites child Holocaust refugees and their descendants.

The funds will go towards ensuring that the unaccompanied asylum seeking children in our care are fully supported and appropriately matched with knowledgeable, well-trained and compassionate carers.

The Kindertransport was the British rescue effort of 10,000 Jewish children in Europe in the months prior to World War 2, many of whom were placed into foster families upon arriving.

The Kindertransport Association said: “These children were aided by both Jewish and non-Jewish charitable organizations in England. Therefore, we consider supporting organisations like TACT, which help children and others in need today, to be an essential part of our work”

“The Kindertransport children were foster children in England, and understand both how important and life-saving it can be to have families willing and able to take children into their homes, and how important it is to have an organization dedicated to ensuring that these matches are successful and that the children are well taken care of. That, very sadly, was not always the case for the Kindertransport children.”