DfE children’s social care strategy fails care experienced people | TACT

DfE children’s social care strategy fails care experienced people

The new DfE Children’s Social Care Implementation Strategy was released last week, some of our TACT Connect community who were an active part of the English Care Review discussions, have come together to express their views on the report.

TACT Connect provides a lifelong community for national fostering charity TACT’s care experienced people. TACT Connect members have channeled their thoughts relating to the DfE strategy into an opinion piece you can read here. 

Despite seemingly engaging with and listening to care experienced people, including many members of TACT Connect, TACT believes there are flaws and missed opportunities in the strategy including:

  • Scant attention given to tackling stigma and isolation and improving trauma recovery for care experienced people.
  • No reference to making care experience a protected characteristic.
  • Distinct lack of evidence that care experienced people’s over all needs and concerns have been listened to, let alone met.

TACT is the UK’s largest dedicated fostering charity and its response to the wider DfE strategy relating to fostering and kinship care can be read here

You can find more information about TACT Connect here

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