What Is Matching?
Matching in foster care is a vital step that could mean that children and young people thrive in a particular household. It is about finding the right match between a foster carer and a young person that works for and fits the needs of every party.
It begins with a detailed ‘referral’ document that is either used internally by a local authority or sent to Independent Agencies (IFAs). The referral highlights the key needs of the young person and is used by social workers to find potential carer-to-child matches.
Matching usually begins with logistical elements such as geography, age, gender and contact with birth family – and will then also include more in-depth criteria such as educational needs, any peer groups that need to be avoided and any additional needs of the child. All this information is used to find the best possible household for a young person.
When potential matches have been identified, they are fully considered by both foster carers and social workers. If the match is approved by all, there is usually an introduction stage which gives the young person a chance to visit the household prior to the placement commencing.
As TACT is a charity, matching is everything. We are under no financial pressure to match unsuitable matches like some fostering agencies, and therefore we make sure that all matches work for you, your family and the child being fostered. It’s what achieves great outcomes for children whilst also helping to prevent placement disruptions and breakdowns.
“We spoke with TACT, who we found to be very open minded about who can foster, and they explained that it would be a case of carefully matching a child with our household who would thrive alongside our own children. So we began fostering when our son was three and our daughter was two.”