What Is A Foster Home? | TACT

What Is A Foster Home?

A foster home is a safe, loving home provided by a foster carer as a temporary living situation for young people who are unable to be looked after by their birth families. This can be either on a short or long-term basis. The home itself is your own!

As a foster carer, you will welcome a young person in and provide them with the facilities they need once a child has come into the care system. 

What does a foster home need?

The key thing a foster home needs is a spare bedroom. It is key that a child in foster care has their own personal room – coming into care can be a confusing and often distressing time, so having their own private space can be incredibly helpful when a child is attempting to settle in their new surroundings. 

The room itself does not have any special requirements but must be a suitable size for a young person and able to contain a bed, wardrobe and other furniture. 

Children in care cannot share a bedroom with any of your own birth children. It is important that they do not feel their space has been compromised and we aim to avoid any negative impacts on your own children which can then lead to placement breakdowns. Even with younger children who may be more willing to share, we must consider the implications of what will change as they get older to ensure long-term placement stability. 

The only time foster children may be allowed to share a room is if they are same-sex siblings. In this case you would need to be approved to care for siblings and have a room that has adequate space for more than one child. 

Do I need to own my own home?

You do not necessarily need to own your own home to be a foster carer. What you will need is a stable home for a foster child, with no risk of eviction and you must not have rent arrears. As part of the assessment process, TACT will seek references from either your landlord if you rent, or the bank if you have a mortgage to ensure that stability can be provided. 

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