Education Service Bulletin – June 2024
Read our latest Education Service Bulletin below.
Education Health and Care Plan Training
TACT are running Education Health and Care Plan Training (EHCP) this month for all its staff and foster carers.
An Education Health and Care Plan is often put in place within schools if a young person has special educational needs (SEN). The plan is there to identify these specific needs, and then to detail the additional support required for those needs to be met.
The plan can remain in effect until a young person reaches the age of 25 (as long as they are still in education).
In other parts of the UK, there are other names for this plan. In Wales it is called an Individual Development Plan (IDP), in Northern Ireland the document is called a Statement of Special Educational Needs, and in Scotland it is called a Co-ordinated Support Plan (CSP).
Exam Season
In last month’s bulletin, we mentioned exam season. This is just a reminder that we have some revision tips and resources available for our young people.
We also have our Exam Results Phone Line to help support our young people.
The official results days are:
- GCSE results day 2024, England and Wales: 22nd August
- A level results day 2024, England and Wales: 15th August
- SQA results day 2024, Scotland: 6th August
Good luck to all our young people!