Education Service Bulletin – Spring 2025

Our dedicated Education Service ensures that all our young people are provided with educational opportunities in alignment with their age, ability and needs. Read our latest Education Service Bulletin below.

New year, new term!

Welcome back to a new school term.  Some of our young people will be sitting mock exams this term and preparing for their real exams next term.  With this in mind, we are running some Revision Styles and Techniques sessions for them, with revision boxes of resources being sent to those who attend in February and March.  We’re encouraging our young people in their exam year groups (sitting GCSEs, A Levels, Highers and National 4/5s!) to come along.

This term our Education Service will be participating in an Ofsted Focus Group around their new inspection criteria on inclusion and vulnerable pupils, in order to help direct attention and resources to those children in care with the highest needs. 

Revision & Resources

In addition to our internal Revision Styles and Techniques sessions that we will be providing for our fostering households, there are lots of free resources for exam revision online, including BBC Bitesize, Revision World Past Exam Papers, MathsGenie and others.  Schools may also provide resources such as a GCSEPod account, which has short revision podcasts across all the major subjects.

Our Revision Boxes

Our revision boxes are provided to all our young people who attend our Revision Styles and Techniques sessions, and contain lots of useful stationery and wellbeing resources!

Our education team also provide free Numbots, Phonics Play and Times Table Rock Star accounts for our young people.

Our Cultural Experiences Programme

We have had a fantastic response to the events we have offered. So far, we have sent 20 foster families to a range of events, including England football, the ballet and musicals!

Events this term include:

  • Philharmonic Family Prom: Fire & Ice!
  • Hairspray the Musical
  • Welsh National Opera: Play Opera LIVE!
  • The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe
  • Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Our Training This Term

We have a number of training sessions available for our foster carers this first quarter.

They are:

1. Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) & Transitions Training

2. Understanding Exclusions, Managed Moves, Alternative Provision & Reduced Timetables

3. Revision Styles & Techniques sessions

4. Managing & Responding to Challenging Behaviour (KCA Session 1)

5. Secondary Trauma, Resilience & Well-being Across the Network (KCA Session 2)

6. PEP Training refresher

Of particular note this quarter is the KCA sessions we will be offering. Split into two sessions, they will cover the following areas:

Managing & Responding to Challenging Behaviour (KCA Session 1)

This course will cover both individual and collective trauma: the signs and indicators and what is needed for recovery. It will give participants the opportunity to reflect on how this plays out in the lives of the children with whom they live and work, but will also introduce some opportunities for reflection on how trauma impacts everyone – themes that will be picked up in the second session.

The course will introduce participants to trauma informed practices. Participants will reflect on sources of vulnerability and resilience, including ACEs and PACEs and leave with feelings of hope and optimism through recognising the role they are already playing in promoting recovery from both individual and collective trauma.

Secondary Trauma, Resilience & Well-being Across the Network (KCA Session 2)

This course enables participants to reflect in a safe space on their own experience, to recognise the indicators of compassion fatigue, moral injury and secondary trauma, to understand what helps in preventing, managing and recovering from these secondary stress issues, and to celebrate the reality that whenever we recover, we become more resilient than we were before.

When we are able to do this together in networks around our young people, we are able to learn from and respond to the child in new and transformative ways.

Read more about our Education Service.