About TACT

Since its founding in 1993, The Adolescent and Children’s Trust (TACT) has been committed to enhancing the lives of children, young people, and care-experienced adults for over 30 years.

That mission sits at the heart of everything we do. While some Independent Fostering Agencies (IFAs) run as commercial organisations, with the aim of making profit, we are driven purely by doing what is best for the children and young people in our care. As a non-profit organisation and registered charity any surplus income that we generate through our work is invested back into developing and expanding the service and support that we provide for our foster carers and children.

Beyond the support that we offer ourselves, we are also passionate about helping to drive positive change to the care system. We use our voice to advocate for and amplify the voices of others. regularly campaigning on behalf of our foster carers and the care experienced community and actively seek to influence public policy.

While we are a national organisation, our foster carers and the children and young people living with them are supported by our nine local fostering teams. We have staff based across England, Wales and Scotland who are dedicated to ensuring that every TACT foster carer receives the support they need, whenever they need it, regardless of where they are in the country.

“An absolutely fundamental part of TACT being a Charity is that we can reinvest any surplus straight back into our foster homes. We can also fundraise to expand our services that support our foster families. All of these initiatives are made possible by our being a Charity and our determination to achieve better lives for our children and young people.”

As the UK’s largest dedicated fostering charity, our mission and values are the bedrock of why we exist.

We go above and beyond to make a difference to the lives of children and young people.

We strongly believe in equal opportunities and are committed to developing people’s potential.

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