Disability Fostering | Fostering With A Disability | TACT

fOSTERING With A Disability

Fostering is fully inclusive, so having a disability will not preclude you from fostering in itself. Each application to foster is considered on an individual case-by-case basis.

Read some of our commonly asked disability fostering questions below.

Fostering is highly rewarding, but it can also be demanding – both physically and mentally.

Being able to foster will depend on the nature of your condition, but we usually start with two main considerations if you are thinking of fostering with a disability:

  • Can I meet the needs of a young person?
  • Will the demands associated with fostering aggravate or make my condition worse?

Initially, we would have a conversation with you about your disability to establish if fostering would be the right choice for you and your household. Fostering is about providing care, support and guidance to very vulnerable children. As a fostering organisation, this would always be the first and most important aspect.

If you feel that you could meet the needs of children in your care, and that being a foster carer would not worsen your condition, you would still need to take a medical check as part of your fostering application (all fostering applicants are required to take this check).

If you are in any doubt, please contact us. We will be able to answer any questions you may have and advise on the next steps in your fostering journey. It is important to remember that it you have a disability, fostering will not be automatically ruled out for you.

As with any benefits, you would need to let the organisation that pays you these benefits know that you are in receipt of a fostering allowance. They will then be able to advise if these benefits can continue.

Read more on our Foster Carer Pension & Claiming Benefits page.

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