TACT Cymru ranked best independent fostering provider in Wales | TACT

TACT Cymru ranked best independent fostering provider in Wales

Fostering charity TACT Cymru has been ranked by Local Authorities as first across all areas for quality of the service and the social value that it brings to Wales. This means that TACT Cymru will continue to be a lead independent provider of foster families for children in care across North, West and South Wales.

Mike Anthony, Manager for TACT Cymru said:” The whole TACT Cymru team is absolutely delighted with this fantastic vote of confidence by Local Authorities in the quality of our work. The real success story is what our foster carers and staff are delivering day by day. The high standards of care and support provided to our children and young people, and the passion and commitment with which it is provided, has clearly shone through.”

The work of the charity’s TACT Connect scheme – which provides continued support to its young people after they leave care, was among the range of work that particularly impressed the Local Authority commissioners.

TACT Cymru’s top ranking comes after Welsh Local Authorities in 2020 assessed all independent fostering agencies (IFAs) on their ability to achieve good outcomes for children and also scored TACT Cymru as the highest ranked independent fostering agency in Wales.

Mike Anthony said: “I believe TACT Cymru’s top ranking in the sector is testament to everyone’s enormous hard work and dedication and I am extremely proud to lead such a skilled, experienced and passionate team and thank them all for each of their contributions.”

TACT currently has 73 foster care households and 85 children in Wales. Sadly, there are almost 7,000 children in Wales who cannot be looked after by their own family. We are urgently recruiting more foster carers across Wales who can provide care and support to some of the UK’s most vulnerable children and young people.

If you’re interested in becoming a foster carer with TACT, you can simply complete one of our enquiry forms or call us on 0330 123 2250.