Creation of regional adoption agencies highlighted in Conservative Party manifesto

The creation of regional adoption agencies that work across local authority boundaries is one proposal that has been highlighted by the Conservative Party.

In their manifesto that was launched this week the Party states:

“We have made progress in reforming our adoption system, but there is more to do. We will introduce regional adoption agencies, working across local authority boundaries to match children with the best parents for them.”

Andy Elvin, TACT’s Chief Executive, has responded to this pledge:

“TACT recognises that these proposals are well intentioned and come from a laudable place. However TACT would like to see a move to permanence hubs. The constant focus on one permanence option, adoption, which is a solution for a minority of children in public care, is unhelpful. Foster care or special guardianship arrangements within extended families are the most common permanence options for children who cannot remain with their parents.

Ideally we’d like to see a legislative and regulatory framework that puts achieving permanence for all children without delay at the heart of the system. This could involve establishing integrated permanence services in all areas, a nationally agreed permanence practice framework, a professional skills framework and committed and dedicated leadership through a National Child Permanence Board supporting and challenging regional Permanence Boards rather than boards that only focus on adoption.”

See the Community Care news article for further information.