International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day, a chance to celebrate women’s achievements and recognise those that are forging positive change in the world.  There are no more deserving women than foster mums when it comes to being recognised for the incredible life-changing difference they make to lives of children and young people.  Here are just a few of the outstanding female foster carers that TACT has the privilege of supporting and working with:

Joan, a single foster carer who has fostered more than 18 children including teenagers and siblings. Joan adopted three children she was fostering – a boy and two siblings.  At 77 she is still an active foster carer.  Read her story here

Carol and husband Peter have been fostering for 11 years and cared for 13 children with a variety of ages, currently fostering four children under the age of 11.  Find out more about her here 

Single foster mum Elaine feels that fostering was her destiny. Read her inspiring blog here